
the lΘgΘ

the unknown

Direction and trajectory are defined by a known angle from the point of origin. However, as an explorer this angle from departure is often unknown… or at least, we believe it should be unknown. In mathematics, the ‘unknown angle’ is represented by theta. It is primarily for this reason that we adopted the Theta Θ symbol as our logo.

This directly relates to architecture as a spatial medium. Our approach to architecture is not to ‘know’ what direction to take but to humbly relish in the ‘unknown’; To ask questions and then listen to the feedback from community, context, and frequencies thereof before we embark. Our hope is to cultivate a culture of design that listens.

In addition to its mathematical origins, the graphic symbol itself has geometric qualities that align with our thinking. The circle celebrates unity and an understanding of life’s cyclical nature; that nothing is static and everything architectural consists of (light, sound, energy, matter) waves with unique frequencies.

The centre bar eludes to the horizon which is integral to our thinking as explorers. The horizon represents the school’s recognition of not only the importance of forward-thinking but consideration for our actions on this planet beyond the horizon, beyond tomorrow. That what we do today will impact future generations in unknown ways and architects should be cognisant of that.

…and yes, the three dashes between    are meant to symbolize a break from discrete ‘binary’ digital cypher (true and false) in favour of continuous spectrum (everything between).

Both the circle and the horizontal bar are representative of both linear and lateral thinking; we strive to create an inclusive space that recognizes all schools of thought contribute to our society.

Lastly… it is super cool that the theta exists in almost all type faces/fonts. Which means the logo can easily be included in a body of text. Θ

The Theta Symbol Alt Code is 233
Shortcut for Windows Alt + 233
Shortcut for Word 03F4, Alt+X

logo design

This page serves as a guide for those interested in proliferating the SEA presence online. We ask that you maintain consistency in SEA’s digital image online, in software, and in print.

Small 660px


Medium 1320px


Large 2640px

SEA Logo Math

The SEA logo can be easily derived from code. The entire logo is based off a radius. Two variables that need to be defined are the radius and the center point. The logo will be drawn mathematically from these values.

The following sudo code demonstrates the basic logic required.

01110011 01100101 01100001

radius = 120;

center = (0,0);
circle = (center.x,center.y,radius);
circle.color = (0,0,0);
circle.width = radius/5;

Yx1 = center.x – (radius/4)*3;
Yy1 = center.y;
Yx2 = center.x – (radius/4);
Yy2 = center.y;

yellow = Line(PYx1,PYy1,PYx2,PYy2);
yellow.color = (255,255,0); //CMYK in RGB
yellow.width = radius/10;

Mx1 = center.x – (radiusIn/4);
My1 = center.y;
Mx2 = center.x + (radiusIn/4);
My2 = center.y;

magenta = Line(Mx1,My1,Mx2,My2);
magenta.color = (255,0,255); //CMYK in RGB
magenta.width = radius/10;

Cx1 = center.x + (radiusIn/4);
Cy1 = center.y;
Cx2 = center.x + (radiusIn/4)*3;
Cy2 = center.y;

cyan = Line(Cx1,Cy1,Cx2,Cy2);
cyan.color = (0,255,255); //CMYK in RGB
cyan.width = radius/10;

example Code

The following demonstrates how to reproduce the SEA logo using basic processing syntax.

int radius = 240; 

float[] center = new float[2];

void setup() 
  size(640, 640,P2D);
  center[0] = width/2;
  center[1] = height/2;

void draw() 
  ellipse(center[0], center[1], radius*2,radius*2);
  float Yx1 = center[0] - (radius/4)*3;
  float Yy1 = center[1];
  float Yx2= center[0] - (radius/4);
  float Yy2= center[1];
  line(Yx1, Yy1, Yx2, Yy2);

  float Mx1 = center[0] - (radius/4);
  float My1 = center[1];
  float Mx2= center[0] + (radius/4);
  float My2= center[1];
  line(Mx1, My1, Mx2, My2);

  float Cx1 = center[0] + (radius/4);
  float Cy1 = center[1];
  float Cx2= center[0] + (radius/4)*3;
  float Cy2= center[1];
  line(Cx1, Cy1, Cx2, Cy2);